Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Actual Multiple Monitors v.3.4.2

Actual Multiple Monitors v.3.4.2 - Actual Multiple Monitors mengisi kesenjangan dalam antarmuka pengguna Windows ketika bekerja dengan beberapa monitor sekaligus. Instal Multiple Monitor aktual untuk mendapatkan unsur-unsur penting seperti Taskbar dan Start menu pada setiap tampilan terhubung, cepat mengalokasikan jendela antara monitor (baik secara manual atau otomatis), meningkatkan tampilan-dan-merasa dari desktop Anda dengan wallpaper desktop multi-monitor dan layar saver, membuat sebagai profil desktop yang yang Anda butuhkan. Dengan halus namun sangat diperlukan perangkat tambahan produktivitas dapat ditingkatkan beberapa kali! Baca lebih lanjut.

Taskbar on each monitor
  • Start menu
  • notification area a.k.a. system tray
  • clock
  • Jump Lists support under Windows 7
  • Pin to Taskbar
  • grouping similar buttons
  • preview thumbnails (with the Aero Peek feature under Windows 7)
  • progress bars on taskbar buttons under Windows 7
  • Show Desktop button under Windows 7
  • Quick Launch and other toolbars
  • dragging the taskbar buttons with the mouse on systems before Windows 7
  • dragging the system tray icons with the mouse on systems before Windows 7
  • semi-transparent taskbars on systems before Windows 7
  • native look in any visual theme - from Windows Classic to Windows 7 Aero

Alt-Tab Task Switcher window on each monitor
  • new window controls specially designed for a work with multiple monitors
  • additional button in each window's title bar to put a window instantly to any monitor
  • additional button in each window's title bar to maximize a window to entire desktop
  • special hotkeys to put a window instantly to the next/previous monitor
  • automatic placement of windows by default to the monitor which the mouse pointer is on
  • automatic placement of certain windows to the specified monitors
  • easy dragging/sizing of windows - by clicking anywhere inside a window
  • snapping a dragged/sized window to desktop boundaries and other windows ("sticky borders")
  • emulation of Windows 7 Aero Snap on Windows XP/Vista
  • single-click maximization of windows - to entire desktop, to monitor's width, to monitor's height
  • custom wallpaper - single on entire desktop or in!-->!idual per monitor (with the ability to run a background slideshow)
  • custom screen saver - single on entire desktop or in!-->!idual per monitor
  • custom desktop profiles - switch between various desktop configuration in a flash!
  • keeping the order of desktop icons after the desktop configuration/resolution has been changed
  • desktop mirroring - observe various parts of desktop (windows, monitors, arbitrary areas) in separate floating windows called mirrors
Download Actual Multiple Monitors v.3.4.2

Rezki Ji 28 Dec, 2011
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