Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pointstone System Cleaner v.

Pointstone System Cleaner v. - System Cleaner takes care of all the common PC headaches that slow your system down and puts your data at risk from disk failure. It also takes care of many of the of the PC problems that other so-called tune-up programs ignore. System Cleaner also includes a comprehensive "secrets eraser" that scrubs all of your computer and internet activity files and removes every last trace of where you have been and what you did while you were there.

  • Restores your hard drive's performance
  • Fixes system errors that slow your PC down and cause it to
  • crash
  • Speeds up your PC's execution of software programs
  • Removes space-wasting temporary files and other unnecessary
  • disk clutter
  • Tunes up and optimizes the Windows Registry
  • Erases all evidence of your computer and internet activity
  • Makes your PC boot faster
  • Makes your PC shutdown faster
  • Fine-tunes all important Windows settings
  • And more. Click here to see everything that System Cleaner
  • does.
System Cleaner is the fastest and easiest way to restore your PC's health without spending a fortune to do it.

Download Pointstone System Cleaner v.

Rezki Ji 27 Dec, 2011

Source: http://rezdown7.blogspot.com/2011/12/pointstone-system-cleaner-v595364.html
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