Saturday, May 12, 2012

New Opportunity Added -

New Opportunity Added

Dear Blogger,

A new opportunity has been added to the system with the following info:

Opportunity Title: Fish Tanks and Aquariums
Budget: $3
Details: No Badges Please. Posties - All Anchor text links must show up on your home page (at Least Temporarily)and that you also add a SEPERATE PERMA LINK WITH THE ANCHOR TEXT AND WEBSITE in the URL. Posties- Only site wide or no advertising disclosure is acceptable, we do not want Google to know that this is a paid review, however site wide disclosures that say that you get paid to review products and or services and that you disclose true and honest opinions are fine. Please add & , anywhere within the review & THE REVIEW TITLE. -Posties- Please feel free to reference our website for content for you to get a guage on our services. Please feel free to use any images that you would like to put in your review as well. When you copy a photo, if you know how to link the photo to our website and/or use alt text content so that Google can read the text behind the photo that would be great. Because Google cannot read images, so by using alt text it really, really helps allot. And we have found that photos, videos, and click through links to have a high conversion rate. -Postie- For Best SEO, Please insert at least one of the following keyword or keyword phrases as part of your review TITLE: Have fun and I hope you make a lot of Money blogging :)

Logon to your account to see the details and to make your offer/bid.

Note: If you want to stop these notifications, you can do that from your account homepage. Simply uncheck the check box that says "Notify me about new opportunities".

Support Team

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Terima Kasih telah mampir di BLog ane
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