Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New Opportunity Added -

New Opportunity Added

Dear Blogger,

A new opportunity has been added to the system with the following info:

Opportunity Title: blog review of gaming sites
Budget: $4
Details: The review will need to have several links in it and be about gambling. After you accept, the link details will be sent to you. No duplicate writing!

Logon to your account to see the details and to make your offer/bid.

Note: If you want to stop these notifications, you can do that from your account homepage. Simply uncheck the check box that says "Notify me about new opportunities".

Support Team

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Terima Kasih telah mampir di BLog ane
bila Berkenan, Komen yah tapi jgn spam ^^

Bila anda Mengopi artikel-artikel yang ada pada blog ini
Mohon disertekan Sumbernya agar Blog indonesia maju dan bebas dari Plagitisme ^^