Monday, February 28, 2011

Uang Dari langit

Uang Dari langit??
percaya kaga loe semua??

Dikutip dari Acara Mario Teguh Golden Ways
di Metro TV
tapi loe harus percaya, bergini ceritanya ^^

Uang atau Rejeki pasti datang dari TUHAN, bener kaga?? klo g bener pasti loe g punya Tuhan :D (bercanda)
ah binggung gw mo nulis apa neh.... ahaaa
Tuhan memberikan kita rejeki atau uang melalui medium Orang lain, kenal ataupun tidak kenal(apa ini yang di maksud si OM MARIO TEGUH uang dari langit...).

Dengan kata - kata diatas dapat disimpulkan, bila kita mempunyai kenalan atau sahabat yang banyak rejeki kita akan berlimpah, contoh saja neh yah, Misal kita jualan pulsa, tetangga kita juga jualan pulsa. Bila kita memiliki kenalan yang banyak, mereka pasti bli pulsa ke gw Bukan begitu... dan gw pasti banyak mendapatkan untung (rejiki berlimpah).

Rejeki datang dari apa yang kita lakukan.
ini yang gw kerjakain sekarang.Gw mulai suka ngeblog 3 bulan yang lalu, dari ngeblog kita mendapatkan banyak teman (berhubungan dengan yang di atas).dalam dunia blogging kita mengenal adsense atau iklan. bila blog kita ramai pengunjungnya, orang akan tertarik memasang iklan di blog gw, atau melalui PPC dan PTC seperti adsensecamp, kumpulblogger,dll

Uang atau Rejeki dengan nilai yang sama besar tapi memili rasa yang berbeda
Menurut gw sih sama aja, tapi coba loe bandingin hasil uang dari nyuri sama uang hasil kerja, Enak mana coba...
klo gw milih hasil kerja, karena uang tersebut gw dapatkan dari keringat sendiri, bahkan bila hanya sedikit hasilnya tapi kepuasan dari uang tersebut yang membuat kita nyaman. dari pada nyuri, loe pasti dihantui dengan ketakutan setiap hari(g tentrem deh :D)

Pilih Wirausahan atau Orang Kantoran...
Kebanyak orang pasti memilih kerja dikantor, Karena kita pasti mikir " kerja dikantor enak ui adem ada ACnya ,Gajinya GEDE, Fasilitasnya banyak"
Sebenarnya enakan jadi Wirausahawan
anomim : kok gitu mas yudhis

gw        : jelas lah klo kita kerja di kantoran income(gaji) kita pasti itu2 aja,baru klo naik  jabatan Income kita pasti naik.

anomim :bener juga ya mas ,buru2 naik jabatan, kebanyakan di PHK sekarang :D
Jadi intinya, Seorang Wirausahwan tidak memiliki batas income yang masuk kedompet kita. Tapi masalah terbesar dalam Wirausahan, yaitu:
  • Harus ulet, nggak mudah putus asa
  • Nggak Ndeso, Harus ngikuti jaman
  • Keyakinan , Kata Om Mario Teguh Keyakinan dalah modal terbaik dalam berwirausahawan.
aslinya masih banyak, tapi cuman itu yang kepikiran.(pelajaran sekolah cuy)

Orang beriman tidak membatasi Tuhan-Nya untuk memperkaya kita.
Kita tidak boleh membatasi Kekayaan kita yang kita minta dari TUHAN.
gw pertama mikirnya "Serakah banget donk".
tapi gw pikir2 lagi bener juga.
dengan kita kaya, kita dapat meningkatkan amalan2 kita. Contoh neh :
2.Membangun tempat ibadah
3.Membangan Rumah Sakit

anonim : Oh, Begitu ya mas
Gw :  Ya iyalah.

Jangan minder dengan usaha yang ditoleh sebelah mata oleh orang dan bergaji kecil.

Ngapain minder... orang sama2 dapat duit.
pengalaman gw neh:
1.Pernah jadi tukang Becak (minjem becak tetangga , cuman iseng2 doank nongkrong di pos becak, lumayan lah dapat 3000 buat bli rokok)
2.Kuli angkat barang(angkat barang bangunan di rumah bude gw ,dapat 20ribu)
3.Jualan Bensin (kios bensin ampek sekarang)
4.Ngamen (terkahir dapat 5rb)

bahwa senangnya orang lain kepada kita
adalah tanda senangnya Tuhan kepada kita.

Sekian dolo ye

Saturday, February 26, 2011

TuneUp Utilities 2011 Full

Link download: TuneUp Utilities  2011 Full
Status & recommendations
Start intuitif Center dengan tampilan yang lebih segar dan merasa
memberikan Anda kendali penuh dan akses ke langkah tuning yang paling
penting dalam sekejap.

Optimize system
Menyingkirkan program-program yang tidak penting, agar komputer kita
memiliki kecepatan maksimum untuk bekerja, surfing, atau bermain!

Gain disk space
Cari dan menghapus file-file yang tidak diperlukan atau tidak berguna,
hal ini akan membuat PC Anda berjalan bahkan lebih efisien.

Fix problems
Memperbaiki masalah yang paling umum dalam windows ®, memindai hard
disk Anda dan mengembalikan file yang terhapus.

Customize Windows®
Mengubah tampilan visual dari Windows ® untuk mencocokkan gaya dan
aman memodifikasi lebih dari 400 ® pengaturan Windows.

Dan masih banyak lagi
Lebih lengkapnya Kunjungi

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cara Enable / disable Task Manager, Run, Cmd, Folder Options dan Regedit

Cara Enable / disable Task Manager Windows Xp

Ini merupakan cara untuk meng-enable task manager yang ter-disable. Untuk mendisablenya, lakukan hal sebaliknya.
  • - Klik Start –> Run
  • - Ketik regedit
  • - Setelah Registry Editor muncul, klik Edit –> Find
  • - Ketikkan DisableTaskMgr, lalu klik –> Find Next
  • - Klik 2x DisableTaskMgr
  • - Ubah value yang berangka 1 (satu) menjadi 0 (nol)
  • - Tekan Enter atau klik OK
  • - Selesai, coba tekan Ctrl + Alt + Del.
Cara Enable / Disable Run

Ini merupakan cara untuk meng-enable run yang ter-disable. Untuk mendisablenya, lakukan hal sebaliknya.

  • Jika Run hilang, buka regedit lewat Command Prompt
  • - Klik Start –> All Programs –> Accessories –> Command Prompt
  • - Ketikkan “regedit”
  • - Setelah registry editor muncul, klik Edit –> Find
  • - Ketikkan NoRun, lalu klik Find Next
  • - Setelah ketemu, maka akan terlihat
  • - Terlihat bahwa nilai DWORD dari NoRun adalah 1, maka harus diubah menjadi 0
  • - Klik 2x pada NoRun, ubah value yang sebelumnya 1 menjadi 0,
  • - Enter atau klik OK, maka nilai akan berubah seperti gambar dibawah
  • - Tekan F3 untuk mencari data NoRun yang lain, lakukan pengubahan nilai 1 menjadi 0 pada semua NoRun yang ada. Jika semua NoRun sudah bernilai 0, tutup registry windows anda
  • - Restart komputer, setelah itu, coba tekan Win (Lambang Windows) + R.

Cara Enable / Disable Command Prompt 

Ini merupakan cara untuk meng-enable command prompt yang ter-disable. Untuk mendisablenya, lakukan hal sebaliknya.
  •  Metode 1: Menggunakan konsol registry editor
-Klik Start -> Run lalu ketikkan perintah berikut atau copy dan paste kode di bawah ini :

REG add HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System /v DisableCMD /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

  • Metode 2: Edit Registry secara langsung

* Buka Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) dan temukan alamat berikut:


- Setelah ke alamat diatas, lihat pada bagian kanan dan double-klik DisableCMD kemudian ubah valuenya menjadi 0.
  • Metode 3: Menggunakan Group Policy Editor di Windows XP Professional.

- Klik Start -> Run type gpedit.msc dan klik OK.

- Ke Alamat User Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ System

- Double-klik Prevent access to the command prompt

Kemudian kamu bisa disable atau mengubah policy ke Not Configured. Men-disable atau setting policy ini menjadi Not Configured akan memecahkan masalahnya.

Cara Enable / Disable Folder Options

Ini merupakan cara untuk meng-enable folder options yang ter-disable. Untuk mendisablenya, lakukan hal sebaliknya.

Jika Folder Options disabled tapi Registry Editor masih bisa jalan, maka buka registry editor.

- Klik -> Start -> Run lalu ketik regedit

- Tuju ke alamat

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer

Pada panel sebelah kanan, lihat value pada DWORD bernama NoFolderOptions ada atau tidak? jika ada, hapus.

Dari Berbagai Sumber

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hack Anti-Exe

Pada suatu hari saya main di warnet deket rumah saya... saat saya membuka file .exe muncul window seperti dibawah ini:

wah kok g bisa di buka... padahal saya mau download pake IDM.. Smadav aja tidak bisa di buka..
Biasanya hanya file .exe yang tidak bisa dibuka di kebanyakan warnet karena di proteksi oleh OPnya.
Cara buka file .exe yang di proteksi oleh OP warnet sangatlah mudah ^^.
  • Pertama, buka notepad
  • Tulis assoc .exe=exefile
  • Dibawahnya tulis assoc .exa=exefile
  • Trus ganti file berextensions .exe menjadi .exa        
example: xxxx.exe rename menjadi xxxx.exa .Ingat pada folder option, Hide extensions for Know Files jangan di centang.
  • Selanjutnya save notepad tersebut dengan nama xxxxx.bat
  • Jalankan xxxxx.bat
  • Selanjutnya jalankan file anda yang berextension .exa tersebut        
  • Bila masih tidak bisa di buka, Biasanya kesalahan tersebut berada pada CMD yang di-disable oleh OP warnet tersebut.
Sekian dari saya Yudhistira Mawardi
Bila ada masalah mohon Komen yah
Agar kita sharing masalahnya dan di selesaikan secara musyawarah ^^.

.exa bisa di ganti dengan .xxx , Terserah anda.
tapi pada notepad harus di ganti assoc .xxx=exefile

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fraps 3.2.5 Build 12131 Full Registered

Fraps is a universal Windows application that can be used with games using DirectX or OpenGL graphic technology. In its current form Fraps performs many tasks
and can best be described as:
 Benchmarking Software - Show how many Frames Per Second (FPS) you are getting in a corner of your screen. Perform custom benchmarks and

measure the frame rate between any two points. Save the statistics out to disk and use them for your own reviews and applications.

Screen Capture Software - Take a screenshot with the press of a key! There's no need to paste into a paint program every time you want a

new shot. Your screen captures are automatically named and timestamped.

Realtime Video Capture Software - Have you ever wanted to record video while playing your favourite game? Come join the Machinima

revolution! Throw away the VCR, forget about using a DV cam, game recording has never been this easy! Fraps can capture audio and video up to 2560x1600 with custom

frame rates from 10 to 100 frames per second!

All movies are recorded in outstanding quality

Changes in this new version:

3.2.5 - 2nd Dec 2010
- Fixed keys sticking/duplicated with Fraps loaded
- Fixed Fraps not capturing in half-size mode for some users

3.2.4 - 28th Nov 2010
- Added support for D3D10 & D3D11 stereoscopic 3D Vision capture
- Fixed counter appearing on Windows Live 2011 apps
- Fixed inverted colors in video captured from some DX10 games
- Fixed DWM capture jumping between multiple monitors on Windows 7
- Fixed flickering counter in some OpenGL applications
- Fixed mouse offset in 3D browser apps
- Fixed FRAPS.EXE not appearing signed on some Windows 7 installations
- Fixed systray icon not turning pink in loop recording mode.
- Fixed startup crash on 24-core CPU systems
- Added support for Win7 SP1 RC
- Other minor bug/stability fixes

3.2.3 - 14th Jun 2010
- Added support for full-size video capture above 2560x1600
- Fixed crash when loading Fraps under WinXP with 6-core CPU
- Fixed crash when enabling monitor DWM option on some configurations
- Fixed Fraps altering error flag on calls to GL SwapBuffers
- Fixed sound input switching at startup on XP systems
- Fixed counter appearing in VS2010

3.2.2 - 31st Mar 2010
- Fixed trouble opening movies with VLC, Avidemux, AVI synth, Virtualdub and some other applications
- Fixed problem capturing stereoscopic movies at 1920x1080 and 1920x1200
- Fixed loop recordings sometimes becoming corrupted

3.2.1 - 29th Mar 2010
- Fixed screen capture of large resolutions (ATI Eyefinity)
- Fixed counter disappearing in some games when switching resolution
- Improved recording speed on SLI configurations
- Other minor bug/crash fixes

3.2.0 - 26th Mar 2010
- Added loop recording for registered users. Press and hold video capture hotkey to start 30 second buffer
- Added option to disable stereoscopic capture when running with NVIDIA 3DVision
- Major optimizations for recording from D3D10 & D3D11 games

- Compatible with: Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, Win7 (32/64-bit )
- Requires DirectX 9.0c or DirectX 10.
- Supports all modern CPU's (Pentium 3 and above)

Download Fraps 3.2.5 Build 12131
Via 4shared
Via Ziddu

Monday, February 14, 2011

♥♥ Valentine Day ♥♥

What I know, actually there is no final agreement among historians about what really happened that later celebrated as Valentine's Day. In "Valentine's Day, Christmas, Happy New Year, April Fool's Day, Halloween: So What?" (Rizki Ridyasmara, Alkautsar Heritage, 2005), the history of Valentine's Day pared in detail. Here's a copy:
There are many versions about the origin of this Valentine's Day celebration. The most popular is the story of Saint Valentine is believed to be alive at the time of Emperor Claudius II who then meet death on February 14, 269 M. But even this there are several versions. What is clear and has no clash of ideas is when we probe further into the traditions of paganism (the gods) Ancient Rome, something that is filled with legend, myth, and idolatry.
According to traditional views of ancient Rome, mid-February was already known as a period of love and fertility. In the chronicle of ancient Athenian calendar, the period between mid-January to mid-February called Gamelion month, which is dedicated to the sacred marriage god Zeus and Hera.
In ancient Rome, February 15, known as the feast of Lupercalia, which refers to the name of one god named Lupercus, the god of fertility. God is portrayed as a man who half-naked and dressed in goat skins.
In an age of ancient Rome, the priests of each dated February 15, will perform the ritual worship of the god Lupercus with a goat sacrifice to the gods. After that they drink wine and will be running in the streets of Rome holding pieces of sheep skin and touching anyone they meet. The young women will compete for goat skin touched it because they believe that a touch of goat skin will be able to bring fertility to them. Something very proud in Rome at the time.
The celebration of Lupercalia was a series of purification rituals in ancient Roman times that took place between 13-18 February, where on February 15, reached its peak. The first two days (13-14 February), dedicated to the goddess of love (Queen of Feverish Love) named Juno Februata.
On this day, the boys get together and draw the names of the girl in a box. Then every youth are welcome to take names at random. The girl who called out to be his girlfriend for a full year to have fun and be the object of entertainment of the young people who choose it.
The next day, February 15, they are to the temple to ask for protection from interference wolf god Lupercalia. During this ceremony, the young man whipped the girls with animal skin. The perempuann was scrambling to get a crack because it considers that more and more get a crack so they will grow beautiful and fertile.
When the incoming Roman Catholic Christianity, they adopted the pagan rites (idols) and color it with shades of Christianity. Among others, they changed the names of the girls with the names of the Pope or Pastor. Among the supporters was the Emperor Constantine and Pope Gregory I.
In order to get closer again to the Christian doctrine, in 496 AD Pope Gelasius I made the ancient Roman ceremony this be a Day of Celebration Church with the name of Saint Valentine's Day to honor Saint Valentine who happened to die on February 14.
About who the real Saint Valentine himself, as has been alluded to in advance, historians still disagree. Currently there are at least three names Valentine, who died on 14 February. One of them described as persons who die in the Roman period. But even this did not exist a detailed explanation of who the real "St.. Valentine "intended, also with a story that was never known to edge-base for each source tells a different story.
According to the first version, the Emperor Claudius II who ordered the Roman Empire furious and ordered the arrest and jailing of Saint Valentine because he boldly declared his god is Isa Al-Masih, while refusing to worship god, god of the Romans. People who sympathize with Saint Valentine then write a letter and put it in his prison bars.
The second version to tell the Emperor Claudius II thought single young soldier is more steadfast and strong in battle than those who married. So last emperor forbade the young men who became soldiers to marry. The action of this emperor secretly opposition from St. Valentine, and he secretly married much too young until he was caught and arrested. Emperor Cladius decide hanging for Saint Valentine. Executions carried out on February 14, 269 M.
In addition, the tradition of sending Valentine cards themselves have no link with Saint Valentine. In 1415 AD, when the Duke of Orleans was imprisoned in the Tower of London, in celebration of the church commemorate St. Valentine's Day February 14, he sent a poem to his wife in France.
By Geoffrey Chaucer, English poet, the events linked with the mating season of birds in his poetry.
So, how to say "Be My Valentine?" Which until now still found in many greeting cards or otherwise directly by their respective spouses? Ken Sweiger said the word "Valentine" is derived from Latin which has similarities with the meaning: "the Almighty, the Most Powerful, and the Almighty". This word is actually in the days of Ancient Rome addressed to Nimrod and Lupercus, a Roman god.
Knowingly or not, so Sweiger, if someone asks another person or their partner becomes "To be my Valentine?", Then with it we have actually committed a blatant act of God's wrath, the term Sweiger, because asking someone to be "The Supreme power "and it was tantamount to an effort to revive the culture of worshiping idols.
As for Cupid (meaning: the desire), the baby or a beautiful half-naked man who winged with arrows is the son of Nimrod "the hunter" Sun-god. God Called Love, because she was so beautiful, so hunted a lot of women even told that his own mother was interested in so doing incest with a child's birth!
Cross dispute who the real Saint Valentine himself is also going on in the Catholic Church itself. According to the Catholic Church as written in The Catholic Encyclopedia (1908), the name of Saint Valentine was at least refer to the three martyr or a saint (a saint) are different, namely: a priest in Rome, a bishop Interamna (modern Terni), and a martyr in the Roman province of Africa. The connection between the three martyrs with Valentine's Day is also not clear.
Even Pope Gelasius II, at 496 states that in fact nothing is known for certain about these martyrs, however Gelasius II remains declared on 14 February each year as a memorial feast day of Saint Valentine.
Some say, Pope Gelasius II, accidentally set it to match the feast of Lupercalia which was celebrated on February 15.
Skeletal remains unearthed from the tomb of Saint Hyppolytus on Via Tibertinus near Rome, identified as a corpse St. Valentinus. The body was then placed in a gold coffin and sent to the Church Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland. The body has been given to them by Pope Gregory XVI in 1836.
Many tourists who make pilgrimages to this church on Valentine's Day, in which the gold coffin was carried in a solemn procession and brought to a high altar in the church. On that day, a special mass was held and presented to the young people and those who are in a relationship of love. Feast day was removed from the Church calendar in 1969 on the grounds as part of a larger church effort to remove the saints and that its origin could not be accounted for solely based on myths or legends. But nevertheless, this Mass is still celebrated by some church groups.
Clearly, Valentine's Day actually originated from myths and legends of ancient Roman times where the trust is still valid paganism (idolatry). Catholic Church itself can not agree on who the real Saint Valentine who is considered a martyr on February 14. However, this celebration had officially commemorated Whitefriar Church Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland and officially banned in 1969. Several groups of Catholic churches still hold this memorial each year.
If it was Valentine's Day still dihidup-turn on until now, there are even more lively impression, it is none other than the efforts of entrepreneurs engaged in printing greeting cards, business hotels, business interest, business organizer, and a number of other entrepreneurs who have been reaping the benefits enormously from that event.
They deliberately, through promotion and marketing strength, blow-niupkan Day Valentine's Day as a special day very special for a loved one, for merchandise they sell and they get very, very big profits. This is what is often referred to by sociologists as the industrialization of religion, where religious celebration by capitalist deflected into a business celebration.
PARTY disobedience
Christendom is another title to the lands or Christian countries in the West. Originally only Christian reference to mainland Europe such as Britain, France, Holland, Germany, and so on, but nowadays also penetrated into the mainland United States.
People usually think that the celebration of Valentine's Day from America. But history states that the celebration of Valentine's Day actually originated in England. In the 19th century, the British Empire still ruled the North American region. Culture Kingdom of England was then imported by the colonies in North America.
In America, the first Valentine cards are mass produced printed after the year 1847 by Esther A. Howland (1828 - 1904) from Worcester, Massachusetts. Her father owned a bookstore and office supply stores are great. Mr. Howland was inspired to produce the cards in the United States from a British Valentine card she received. His work was later followed by other employers until now.
Since 2001, The Greeting Card Association (U.S. Greeting Card Association) each year issued an award "Esther Howland Award for a Greeting Card Visionary" to the best card printing company.
Since Howland Happy Valentine's Day greeting cards produced in America, mass production made cards in selutuh world. The Greeting Card Association estimates that worldwide, approximately one billion Valentine cards are sent per year. This is the second biggest holiday after Christmas and New Year (Merry Christmast and The Happy New Year), where the greeting cards sent. The same association also estimates that the women who buy less than 85% of all valentine cards.
Starting in the second half of the 20th century, the tradition of exchange of cards in the United States have diversification. Greeting cards that had been holding a central point, now only as an accompaniment of a bigger prize. This is often done male to female. Gifts can include roses and chocolates. Beginning in the 1980s, the diamond industry began to promote Valentine's Day as an opportunity to give jewelry to women's choices.
In the United States and some Western countries, a date on Valentine's Day is often interpreted as the beginning of a serious relationship. This makes the celebration of Valentine's Day there is more 'dating' that often ends with sleep together (adultery) rather than the disclosure of affection from children to parents, to teachers, and so sincere and not accompanied by physical contacts. This is the real essence of Valentine's Day.
Valentine's Day celebrations in Western countries is generally perceived as a day in which dating couples can do anything, something that is commonplace in Western countries, throughout the night. In fact, in various hotel organized various competitions and events that ended in each room is filled with a couple different kinds. This is considered normal, not to mention a more party-party be closed and disgusting.
Each year before the month of February, many young Indonesian Muslims claim that in fact went along busy preparing for the celebration of Valentine. Despite many of whom have heard that Valentine's Day is one of the Christian holiday that contains the values of Christian faith, but this does not really mess around them. "Ah, I'm ngerayaain Valentine for fun-fun aja ...," so many young Muslims behave. Can be justified like that attitude and outlook?
Valentine's Day Celebration includes a recognition of the claims of Christian dogma and ideology as acknowledged, "Jesus as the Son of God" and so forth. Celebrating Valentine's Day also means, directly or indirectly, participate admit the truth of Christian dogma and ideology that, whatever the reason was.
Well, if there is a Muslim who went along to celebrate Valentine's Day, then admit it or not, he also went along to receive the view that "Jesus as the Son of God" and so forth which in Islam is already included in the deed polytheists, associating partners with Allah SWT, an act that will not receive forgiveness from Allah SWT. Naudzubillahi min dzalik!
"Whoever imitates a people is he including those of people," so the sound hadith the Prophet narrated by Tirmidhi.
Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jauziyah rahimahullah also said, "Giving congratulations on the event that a special ritual infidels to them, it was agreed that the act was unlawful. Like to congratulate for their feasts and fasts, by saying, "Happy holidays!" And the like. For those who said it, even if not to the disbelief, at least it is an unlawful act. Means he has to congratulate for their acts in associating partners with Allah. Even the act was a greater sin in Allah's wrath and more than congratulated for the actions of drinking alcohol or kill. Many people who do not understand religion mired in an act without realizing the bad deeds. He has prepared himself to get the anger and wrath of God. " Allah alone in the Quran surah Al-Maidah verse 51 forbids Muslims to imitate or emulate the Jews and the Christians, "O ye who believe, do not take Jews and Christians become leaders ( mu); They will sebahagian is the leader for another. Whoever among you takes them to become leaders, then surely it belonged to them. Verily Allah does not guide the unjust people. "

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Easyhits4u Viewer By Kang Hery Tarmanto

What is EasyHits4U?
EasyHits4U is a site Traffic Exchange service provider. That is, if you sign up to EasyHits4U we can see the website or other people's blogs, and mutually reciprocal others will see your website or blog. advantage when joined EasyHits4U is your website or blog traffic will increase

EasyHits4U Viewer is a software created to make it easier to surf the EasyHits4U. Because this program focuses on captcha system. So It's easier and focus on choosing the right captcha. This Not BOT

This program is very easy to use. Follow the steps below

1.You must have an account EasyHits4U.
If you are not having an account EasyHits4U please REGISTER HERE
2.Download EasyHits4U Viewer By Kang Hery Tarmanto HERE
3.Open the program.
4.First, you must log in to your account EasyHits4U. Do I just click on the Login button. It will appear the windows login. Enter your username and password. Do not worry this program free of keylogger (I've tried)

5.Next, select the method of surfing with the click menu 15 detik (2: 1 Credit) or 20 detik (1: 1 Credit)
6.To view statistics on your account, just click the Account. And to see your bonus ,just click Bonus.
The program is still far from perfect. So that still requires adjustment. If when you run the program out errors in the form of "Runtime Error" just press No button in the error.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

IDM 6.05 Full

Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 5 times, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use.Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance.
  Internet Download Manager supports proxy servers, ftp and http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing. IDM integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular browsers to automatically handle your downloads. You can also drag and drop files, or use Internet Download Manager from command line. Internet Download Manager can dial your modem at the set time, download the files you want, then hang up or even shut down your computer when it's done.

Other features include multilingual support, zip preview, download categories, scheduler pro, sounds on different events, HTTPS support, queue processor, html help and tutorial, enhanced virus protection on download completion, progressive downloading with quotas (useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy or FAP like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc.), built-in download accelerator, and many others.
Version 6.05 adds IDM download panel for web-players that can be used to download flash videos from sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, and Google Videos. It also features complete Windows 7 and Vista support, YouTube grabber, redeveloped scheduler, and MMS protocol support. The new version also adds improved integration for IE and IE based browsers, redesigned and enhanced download engine, the unique advanced integration into all latest browsers, improved toolbar, and a wealth of other improvements and new features.

Download IDM 6.05 Full

Video to Gif Converter v3.4

Video to Gif Converter  v3.4


Video to GIF conversion method

We provide three video to GIF image method:
1. Convert gif animation from video clips.
2. Video to static picture list, support all popular image formats.
3. Video to TV Wall ( different picture in a static picture).
4. Capture an image from a video file.

Video Information preview
You can see the video information in our software Video to GIF, include "Total Time", "Total Frames", "Video Size", "Frame Rate", "Aspect" and "Work Area" .easy to use.

Accurately control length of time
Manual input time and via progress bar for accurately control to per frame.

Video to GIF Resize
you can select any size for your need. And support three interpolation option:
Sawtooth - strong contrast, distinct picture, but you may lose some details;
Sharpen - Its effect is very good, between smooth and sawtooth, picture is distinct. This is a popular way;
Smooth - Smooth edge without sawtooth, make picture looks vaguer.

Frame Rate
Display total frames in output, you can select X pictures per second for control speed in GIF animation.

Provide 12 effects for you.

Video to GIF formats supported
Input formats:
Output formats:

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